Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Trump of the Philippines: Year of the Demagogues

Wow. Maybe we should be watching our U.S territories more closely. Of course, we should respect their autonomy, but why didn't American media cover the rise to power of would-be dictator Rodrigo Duterte more closely? I saw absolutely nothing in the American media about this man's ascension to power. Duterte ran a campaign using Trump's new playbook.

The threat issued by Dutarte to journalists echoes Trump's sentiments when he approved of Putin's actions in this regard (killing journalists to quash freedom of the press).

Who would have guessed we would descend to this new low so quickly?

This New York Times article from three days ago articulating why Trump is a great threat to rule by law is totally credible. If you've heard even a hundredth of what this unhinged narcissist and would-be dictator has said, you already know this.

In a nationally televised speech Saturday night, the next president of the Philippines encouraged people to shoot and kill drug dealers that resist arrest.

According to Al Jazeera, Rodrigo Duterte said, "Please feel free to call us, the police, or do it yourself if you have the gun — you have my support," adding, "Shoot him and I'll give you a medal." He also threatened to kill drug addicts.

If you're familiar with Duterte at all, you may not be surprised. Prior to clinching the nomination as president, the former Davao City mayor pledged to execute 100,000 criminals if elected.

But drug dealers and criminals aren't the only ones whose lives may be at risk in the Philippines. A local newspaper reports Duterte recently threatened journalists, too. He reportedly told a crowd in his hometown that, "Just because you're a journalist, you are not exempted from assassination, if you're a son of a bitch."

Duterte, who's been dubbed the "Trump of the East," is a confessed murderer himself.

"I must admit, I have killed. ... I killed about three people," he said.

But apparently supporters like his tough-on-crime attitude. Duterte was elected president May 9 after winning about 39 percent of the vote. He's set to be sworn in June 30.

--AOL story,
  no byline given

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