Friday, June 10, 2016

Marie 6/11/2016 12:50 A.M.

What do you think the stupidest human trait is?

To overindulge in food.

What is the saddest color?


What is your favorite type of tree.

I've never given it any thought. But when I think about the tree in front of my house that was so big and beautiful, maybe I'd say blue spruce.

What is the first memory you have of your mother?

That's a hard one. That's a hard one. I can't tell you.

Okay, let's say I ask you to visualize your mother doing something. What's the first thing you see her doing?


What was an expression your mother would say that you have not heard many other people say?

To set the table.

Can you tell me a secret that you and your mother shared at one time?

Yeah. If she falsified something. What was under Daddy's pillow. She wasn't honest with me. I was too young. She said, "It's for his sore finger." (Laughs.) That makes you laugh.

What was it?

(Laughs.) Can't you guess?

That's funny.

Yeah. Funny secrets.

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