Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Penny Woolcock's Gritty Documentary The Wet House (2000)

Oddly enough, I had never even heard of a wet house before today.

I wasn't even reading about alcohol. It just appeared in an article I was glossing over and I was mystified by the term.

Apparently, it's quite common for people to drink themselves to death in these establishments. Such habitations are justified based on the money (allegedly) saved by taxpayers and the notion that recovery help is available through the facilities.

But studies have demonstrated that residents in such facilities often drink significantly less. That probably makes sense, since the stressors associated with homelessness are removed. That's not an inconsequential psychological burden, I'm sure. Homeless alcoholics probably drink more precisely because they are homeless.

In doing a search for the term, I found this documentary by Penny Woolcock. Talk about difficult viewing.

I also watched this depressing documentary which gives you the truth about the American occupation of Afghanistan and its challenges. Sisyphus all the way around. No need to ask about the Bechdel test with this one. I think the only female you see in the entire documentary is a four-year-old girl who gets pushed out of the way by the soldiers passing through. You get the feeling that country might be half a century away from any sort of modern liberation and respect of human rights. I realize the documentary focuses on one of the worst problem areas in the country, but still.

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