Thursday, February 2, 2017

I'm So Over The Affair

It's sad, because at one point I really looked forward to the show.

Now I think they should just end it. It's too late to end it "with dignity," but it's not too late to end it before the utter implosion of pointlessness.

It's probably ungrateful of me to speak ill of a show which once gave me so much pleasure. But it is what it is.

No problem with the cast. They're wonderful actors, every last one of them.

It's just the writers kept juggling those balls of impossible narrative, sure that way would lead on to way, endlessly. And then they knew they had to make certain narrative decisions, even on a show based around the endless multiplication of parallel narrative realities. They had to make a few things stick sooner or later to give the viewers some sort of dramatic high. And there was the rub. The dramatic high was disappointing and false. Noah's psychic disintegration, his split, his suicide attempt. Bleh. Every narrative crisis now just feels like a bleb in a mess of narrative swill. It's become a soup. Talk soup.

I hate that I feel this negative about the show now when I really enjoyed those first few seasons.

There are just too many minor plotlines and no serious major ones. That's my definition of a soap opera, which is what I feel the show has become now.

It had so much potential, so much promise.

Can we go back and erase most of a season and take different narrative tacks? Can't the show allow that, by following its own rules of parallel realities?

Because, if it can, I'm so on board again.

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