Wednesday, May 18, 2016

If You Don't Think a Trump Presidency Would Threaten Social Security, Look Who He's Recruiting

This article by Pulitzer-winner Michael Hiltzik in the Los Angeles Times two days ago should be required reading for those thinking of voting for Donald Trump.

Trump is recruiting and being advised by men who want to dismantle social services and withdraw funding needed by disabled people. This article also foregrounds the egregious abuse which occurs through the "state blocking" of Medicaid funds, which is just another insidious strategy used by these horrible Trump cronies to divert money from children and adults with disabilities. This is truly shameful Republican "strategy" designed to deprive the most disenfranchised Americans of needed health care.

If you vote for Trump, you will be voting for the loss of many Social Security benefits. You will be depriving countless Americans of needed social services and health care. Quite possibly you will be denying yourself these same benefits, as a sudden reversal in fortune or health could occur with you or your children. It happens every day. You could crash right through the basement of your insurance benefits and find yourself looking for an assistance that is actually in place right now to catch you, but which would not be there under a Trump presidency. I'm sure "The Donald" would have no problem telling you to just sell your house. Still not enough? After that's done, start hawking the contents of your house out on the street. Just work "the art of the deal" with your pots and pans with passers-by.

Trump can say he won't touch social security, but he's made these reversals repeatedly. It speaks volumes that he has just hired people like John Mashburn and Sam Clovis. If you don't think he knows these people's viewpoints on Social Security inside out and that he endorses these viewpoints, you're seriously deluded. There is the real "transparency" of Trump's views on Social Security. Don't bother listening to what comes out of his mouth. After all, he was extolling Hillary Clinton's virtues not long ago (before this presidential run) and he was totally pro-choice then as well. So this is a man who has never led a truly principled life. He says whatever he feels he needs to say to get what he wants.

Please don't think this is hyperbole. I assure you it isn't. Don't expect a billionaire who has never shown a moment's consideration of those less fortunate than himself in this life to suddenly "grow a conscience." Donald Trump has never been about anything more than his own enrichment and self-aggrandizement and he has spend his life catering to his "chosen people," the rich and super-rich. He is a maker of playgrounds for the wealthy and a television entertainer and nothing more. He knows nothing of what a life of service entails.

A vote for Trump is a vote to increase poverty and misery in America.

But so many people with petty hatreds are now worked up by the Trump jingoism and the shibboleths and the easy demonization of minorities, the xenophobia, that this great nation is now truly in peril.

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