Friday, September 27, 2019

Twenty Bucks and a Stone Haiku

the cemetery
a bag blowing past


visiting Van Gogh

feeling all the people
we didn't


as many cracks

as days
a doll’s face


autumn morning
somewhere you change color
without me


chipped glasses

plates with hairline cracks
not a bad marriage


something in you the way

autumn trees
pretend to shiver


cool autumn morning

awakened by small feet
racing away


children share secrets

clear sap
from an unseen center


old porcelain dolls

in the nursing home
every crack speaks


autumn leaves

the colors a warning
a celebration


autumn leaves

fall on the railroad tracks…
is this a joke?


autumn market
different gourds
with the same problems


autumn morning

something running fast over
my head wakes me


hometown years later

even the creek’s
changed beds


groundhog hibernates
our clocks slow down
then reverse


the vacant house's

welcome mat
snowflake by snowflake


autumn morning

cold finds
a tooth’s crack


ANTIQUES store window
autumn leaves reflect
over old metal


winter morning

a tree that killed its children
waves at me


October schoolbus
autumn leaves board
in a hurry


asking what number

snowstorm this is
no one knows


autumn morning
the carp turn
slower circles


under canal leaves

disgust a century old
wedding ring smolders


waking in cold

to write of coldness
warms me


autumn crickets

a tempo
tells a story


autumn crickets:

imagine dying
without loneliness


funeral champagne

tiny bubbles stroke
forgotten places


reading obits
an unseen jet rumbles
towards no one’s home


in time

the pleasures of time

replace the pleasures
of place


my old school
my stomach rumbles
on its stone


the kid eating stones

on the playground
is a bird


the only thing
weirder than words
what they replace


a leaf falls

in the cemetery
a sort of Thank You


Van Gogh

freezes the cornfield
before winter


Van Gogh's cornfields

just before winter


Van Gogh's paintings

lose color every year…
the snakeskins no one finds


missing each other

by mere eons
you and God


museum room

full of paintings the feeling
we just missed God


weather report
from behind icy fingers
on her nipples


all the infidelities
need rescheduling


Indian summer
an affair that promised to end
shops for skis


we visit you
in a cemetery
to talk about debt


dead winter

on my dad’s grave a twenty
under a rock


winter morning

you wake and your lover
is years away


winter morning

all the lovers on this bus
look like boxers


winter morning

lost coffees left on buses
tell us their names


winter to spring
a bus kiosk’s plexiglas
scratched like home


a real home
even the diamond
has scratches


autumn light

the clock turns backwards
when we do


autumn leaves
I can’t decide
on a collage


winter night ocean
still growing colors
in abalone


buried love
the night ocean
colors abalone


buried love

the night ocean
mothers pearl


visiting Van Gogh

feeling all the purple
we aren't

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