Thursday, August 1, 2019

What is Your Favorite Druid Holiday?

Mine are:

1. Halloween
2. Kate Bush's Birthday
3. Samhain

Don't forget to celebrate on August 9th!


Suggested celebration: Get naked, get stoned, stream Kate Bush videos from the big screen t.v., dance naked around your living room, crank up the a.c. Invite the cats. Light a candle at your Kate Bush shrine. You don't have one? What's wrong with you??

She has the same birthday as my Dad. Strange, he never did much cloudbusting. He sure did hear The Hounds of Love thundering from behind my bedroom door (over and over) when I was a kid, though. I remember Tennyson being on the liner notes on the album, which I think I bought at a Hills store which is only atoms in the atmosphere now.

I've been listening to her (loud) all summer. Those songs (from any album) NEVER get old.

Here's a really great little documentary on K.B.

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