Monday, February 20, 2017

I Don't Think

I don't think George Michael ever recorded a bad song, but that's personal hagiography. Well, he's an angel now, so even songs that used to grate a tad on me (say "Monkey") are beloved.

Here's a great comprehensive list of Michael's recordings, which includes some real rarities.

The links might not all be profitable in the direct sense, but the citations can be searched on YouTube or other sites. I found many things that way.

There's a great YouTube playlist of George Michael that includes so many rarities and even some quality covers which I usually cast over to the t.v. while I'm blissing out painting or drawing. It will run for like eight hours and even includes things like obscure tracks from albums that were released only in certain countries (like Japan).

For what it's worth, here's my list of favorite songs by the master, and sorry, but no Wham tunes. I do love anything with his voice on it. Even saccharine or bippy Wham songs. It is wonderful to hear the treatment he gave Wham songs later in life, how he tenderized them and imbued them with a different soul altogether. Videos of these are floating around. This list is very heavy on songs from Patience, one of my favorite albums. I wish he had put out five more albums in that direction before he died. He was going so far past the idea of the three and a half minute pop song. He wanted long, complicated songs that could hold narrative and mature emotion. It makes sense he was covering artists like Joni Mitchell by then. It's criminal we were deprived of that future work. But why be ungrateful? There is such a well-provisioned trove. The man didn't waste much time at all, really. And it's the sort of voice that comes along only a few times in each generation.

(No order)

Mother's Pride
Jesus to a Child
A Different Corner
Cars and Trains
Cowboys and Angels
Star People
John and Elvis are Dead
Kissing a Fool
Precious Box
Praying for Time
Round Here
Strangest Thing
Something to Save
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 
You Have Been Loved

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